Tuesday, January 22, 2008


So, here is my first entry on my very own blog, and I have so many thoughts running around in my head that I don't know what I want to talk about. Of course, I have to keep in mind that high school students may end up reading this, so I want to set the correct tone for my blog. Yet at the same time I want to be able to express my feelings in a constructive way. There are days when my feelings are in no way constructive.

I guess I should mention why I finally bit the bullet and bought a domain and hosting package. Although I have been actively creating websites since the early 1990s, I did not build Mrs. Boutot's iteachnology zone until 2002. Every time I started to build a family website, I lost interest not to mention I was rather uncomfortable about the idea of posting personal family business up on the internet for anyone to see. I won't tell my neighbor what was going on, so why would I share with people I don't know.

Anyway, before I bought my domain name, my site was hosted by my home's internet service provider. It worked out great. No real complains, except for the 36 character long URL and only 10MB of space! Last time I checked which was just before I transferred it to iteachnologyzone.com, it was a little, just a little, over 300MB. That's, what, only about a 2900% increase. Did my ISP catch this increase? Nope, they didn't. So, why didn't they? Well, I have a theory. They didn't realize because most of their customers don't realize that they get free website hosting along with their service. So, if you are in the market to create a website, before you go and spend a chunk of change on a domain and hosting package, use what you've got just to make sure you'll stick with it. That's what I did which brings us to why I finally bit the bullet.

I am excited about having my own domain name. Has this changed my website? Nope. has it change me? Nope. But it's still exciting. I'm officially part of the World Wide Web. It's like when you got your very first car, or your own phone number. Sure you drove and use a phone before but when you got your very own, WOW! You are all grown up!

Another reason why I finally bit the bullet...I want to be able to add lots of those cool features to my site which I couldn't do with my ISP. I want to be able to have a blog that I control completely, I want to be able to have email addresses with my domain, I want to be create searchable databases, and I want to be able to develop itechnologyzone.com as an educational tool for anyone out on the internet, not to mention that I want and I want and I want.