Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Hi! I'm Boutot.

Once again I'm going to start posting on my blog - HMPH. 

Yes, I have tried this many times on many blogs - here, as well as elsewhere, but it never sticks. It's hard. It shouldn't be, but it is... 

I have lots to share, and really I'm not all that afraid of sharing with people I know, but sharing with strangers is not something I can easily do; it's extraordinarily challenging. I know, right, that just doesn't make sense...I'm a TEACHER for crying out loud, isn't talking with strangers a prerequisite? 

Yeah, but only for those first few days, and those strangers are just as scared as I am - blogging, on the other hand, it's always strangers. It's that -"talking with strangers" - which keeps pulling me away from blogging.  

Am I afraid of offending someone? 

Nope. I'm pretty sensitive and aware of even the little issues, although it's possible I might accidentally offend, yet it's never, ever with intent.  

Am I afraid of grammar and spelling mistakes? 

Yup. I edit my SMS and emails many times before I send them. It's a challenge. My poor kids... when they were in high school, I would not respond unless it was proper sentence structure and spelling. Now, I've let them off the hook - mostly. But, they've been programmed. 

Am I afraid of being wrong? 

Nope. Please, puhleeze, correct me. It's part of my first day, class introduction: "If I am wrong, and I can guarantee I will be - regularly, fix me! I am not perfect, I do not want to be perfect. It's boring." 

What do I talk about? 
Well, I've spend a significant amount of time thinking about this...I tend to over analyze a lot. I know I want to stay very focused on my strengths - geek. Although I'm very geeky it only goes so deep... it's more my ability to quickly critically think of the most effective geeky way to accomplish something. Soooo, I think I will stay focus on how to use geek and what geek to use when. Maybe, we'll see.

I'm also going to ignore the fact that I'm technically talking to the world. I'm going to "pretend" I'm talking to people I know, consequently, my dry, sarcastic humor will poke through. Oh joy... 

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